Forging is a worldwide issue and has been for a long time; particularly in the wine business. However, progresses in innovation have enabled forgers to make always persuading fake merchandise.
Fake wine harms benefits, yet it can likewise do everlasting harm to a brand and place customers in risk, particularly in light of the fact that we can't make sure what is inside the phony containers.
So as to battle this issue, new arrangements are always being created to secure, verify and follow bottles leaving vineyards. The blend of different driving insurance innovations gives most extreme security to wines and spirits.
Those arrangements can be an extraordinary advanced recognizable proof, where a NFC chip is fitted on utilizing a scrambled and sealed declaration which is discernible by means of cell phones for example (verification, identification of opening and penetrating). These labels adjust to the client's needs: behind the name, at the edge of the neck, in the container or over the top."
CWEX Exchange plans to assemble a wine exchanging stage that is effectively open and simple to utilize. Bolstered by its accomplice, situated in Switzerland, DotChain GmbH, ensures namelessness and security of venture by giving a square based possession testament for each container of wine exchanged on the exchanging stage.
CWEX is another digital currency permitting wine merchants and cryptographic money holders to exchange and hold fine wine on trade in CWEX/EOS/BTC/ETH/NEO/USDT.
Fine wines are among the most beneficial speculation resources. Interest for putting resources into them is developing fundamentally. In any case, current fine wine exchanging stages are confounded and have high preparing expenses.
The CWEX trade plans to build up simple to access and simple to utilize fine wine exchanging stage. Supported up by its accomplice, DotChain GmbH situated in Switzerland, it ensures obscurity and security of venture by giving blockchain based proprietorship affirmation to each jug of wine exchanged on the exchanging stage.
This arrangement of exchanging with proprietorship endorsements fundamentally brings down the present preparing expenses, leaving the purchaser practically 80% higher estimation of his speculation toward the begin.
Mechanized fine wine exchanging
CWEX gives fine wine sellers and cryptographic money proprietors with the likelihood to exchange together without precedent for a live market condition on a really worldwide scale.
Smooth and simple exchanging
Exchange with the profitable certifiable resource on a worldwide scale without obstacles of guidelines and methodology.
Solid rate of profitability
Put your advanced possessions in the advantage, which is steady and ensures short and long haul returns.
Namelessness and security in exchanging
We guarantee namelessness and security of speculation through the arrangement of blockchain based proprietorship confirmation.
How It Works?

CWEX Trading Process
The CWEX stage makes the exchanging simple and accessible to everybody keen on putting their digital currency possessions in reality resource (fine wine).
On the CWEX stage, just fine wine merchants that passed a strict inspecting procedure can list their items for exchanging. For you as a merchant, it implies the security of your venture and the certification of the fine wine genuineness.
Your exchanging cycle on the stage is performed in these five straightforward advances:
Offer or offerAs an enrolled merchant, you can put an offer or offer for a chose fine wine.
Exchange matchedOnce your offer or offer is coordinated, you are told of the fruitful exchange.
CWEX in association with DotChain GmbH verifies the wineCWEX in organization with the Swiss-based organization, DotChain GmbH verifies the benefit, meets all the consistence prerequisites and protects your advantage.
Blockchain-based proprietorship affirmation is exchanged to the buyerYou get the blockchain-put together possession accreditation with respect to your record, as the certification of the container's genuineness and the venture esteem.
Three choices accessible to the endorsement proprietor, As the testament proprietor, you have three choices – your possession confirmation can be exchanged on the stage, held at the cost gratefulness or satisfied it in the physical wine conveyance.
Token and ICO Details
CWEX tokens are created on the EOS platform. The benefits are a strong ecosystem, easy integration with third party contracts and smart applications, as well as with EOS standard wallets and exchanges.
Token Details
Token name: CWEX – Crypto Wine Exchange
Compatibility: EOS
Instant token delivery: Yes for EOS
Total supply (100%): 89,000,000
Sale supply (62%): 55,180,000
CWEX team, future stakeholders, community and user growth (38 %): 33,820,000
Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 10,000,000 USD
Purchase limits: Max. (Personal cap) 100,000 USD
Unsold tokens: Burned
Exchange rate for token sale in pre-ICO (20% bonus): 00.16$
Exchange rate for token sale in ICO: 00.20$
Pre-sale period (pre-ICO): 15 December, 2018 to 09 January, 2019
Sale period (ICO): 10 January, 2019 to 21 March, 2019
Pre-ICO & Values

15 December, 2018 to 09 January, 2019
Number of tokens for sale
55,180,000 (62%)
10 January, 2019 to 21 March, 2019
Tokens exchange rate
Acceptable currencies
Minimal transaction amount
Distribution of tokens is as follows:


21.10.2017: Initial idea
21.11.2017: Market research and concept development
10.01.2018: Trading platform architecture and layout planning
21.01.2018: Partnering contracts negotiations
21.08.2018: Token development
15.12.2018: Pre-sale start
10.01.2019: Sale start
02.04.2019: Exchange’s listing
01.05.2019: Trading platform development
10.01.2020: Beta testing
10.02.2020: Trading platform launch
10.06.2020: Develop further asset trading

Jacob Kallupurackal: Founder & CEO
Maxim Andersen: Co-Founder & Blockchain Expert
Thomas Tsang: Co-Founder & Product Manager
Nadir Zemrani: Co-Founder & Finance Manager
Stephen Gonah: Co-Founder & Compliance Expert
David Guye: Partner Relationship Manager EU/Russia
Victor Joyeux: Partner Relationship Manager APAC/APJ
Nargis Curteanu: Legal Expert
Khara Grant: Marketing & Community Manager US/CANADA/LATAM
Elza Hovhannisyan: Marketing & Community Manager Europe/Russia

Tarun Nair: Board Advisor
Benjamin Syme Van Ameringen: Board Advisor
Imran Hussain: Board Advisor
Dravasp Jhabvala: Board Advisor
For more information, please visit:
Website: https://cwinex.io/
Whitepaper: https://cwinex.io/CWEX-Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CwexWine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cwexio
Telegram: https://t.me/cwexio
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cwexio
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CWEX
Author TheJohnMatch
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