Thursday, April 4, 2019

Global Listing Exchange (GLX) -Future Of Capital Markets


As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Global Listing Exchange is building the world's solitary Capital Market Directory and Social Finance Network at The goal is a worldwide capital market news information entrance and earth shattering money related systems administration stage. The GLX stage will be created as a blockchain based circulated organize making the world's first Global Capital Market Computer. The GLX - DApp Exchange ( is GLX's "decentralized appstore" where anybody can distribute DApps that can be utilized in the GLX environment. 
Global Listing Exchange portrays itself as "the world's solitary capital market catalog and social account arrange." The site keeps up a rundown of organizations and gatherings from over the monetary business, including clearing firms, exchange operators, PR firms, trades, institutional financial specialists, family workplaces, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. You can deal with organizations by classification, landmass, nation, affiliation, administrative specialists, and that's just the beginning. 
The general objective of Global Listing Exchange is to make the world's capital markets increasingly straightforward, open, and associated. 

Issues with the World's Financial Markets 

Old foundation 
Dimensionless perceivability 
Different information 
Divided markets 
Absence of uprightness/straightforwardness 
At, you'll discover an index of worldwide capital associations just as news from the business. Worldwide Listing Exchange expects to change the manner in which every single individual from the world's capital markets associates, imparts, offers, and gets to data. 
The site is fueled by a token called the GLXCoin, or GC, which is an ERC20 agreeable cryptographic money based on the Ethereum blockchain. GC is a unit of measure and a mechanism of trade. 
There are Class An and Class B GCs that can be utilized to pay for merchandise and enterprises on the GLX stage. This is the selective installment convention in the GLX environment. A fundamental participation is right now evaluated at $1 USD every month. Be that as it may, members on GLX will most likely charge for blog entries and membership administrations, among different items and administrations. 
Class A GCs are accessible amid the forthcoming Global Listing Exchange ICO, and they'll be trade tradeable after dispatch. Class B GCs, in any case, are earned for dedication and motivating forces given by the stage, and they become unreservedly tradeable 1 year from the date of issue. 
The alpha discharge for GLX is accessible online today at (the ICO site is At the alpha adaptation of the site, you can see recorded individuals by classification or area. Classifications incorporate cryptographic money trades, clearing firms, open organizations, privately owned businesses, venture banks, bookkeeping firms, and that's just the beginning. You can likewise sort dependent on affiliations and leagues, administrative experts, nations and domains, and mainlands.

GLX Token and ICO Details

The GLX Network Token (GLXT) is a new series of digital hybrid utility tokens. GLXTs function as the exclusive payment mechanism and membership access device for the GLX ecosystem to incentivize key actions and needs within the platform.
GLXTs are used to pay for goods and services on the GLX platform and can be earned for loyalty and incentives by signing up at We are making a token primarily based economy that permits us to economically execute microtransactions in our network.
Exchange of GLXTs is made possible by the GLX Exchange, which includes all explorer, vault, and wallet functionality. This will permit us to feature a lot of options to the GLX system and to grow our member base.
Utilizing the GLXT to facilitate transactions allows true utility to power the ecosystem. Users gain the power to contribute work to GLX (post content, update profiles, launch dApps), while key actions are incentivized (developing dApps, sharing data, unbundling products).
GLXTs conjointly offer liquidity at the subject level, permitting GLX to make a cohesive expertise across several fragmented devices and touchpoints.
Coming soon members will be able to obtain tokens for inviting friends to join the platform as part of GLX’s viral launch strategy to incentivize early adoption.
  • Token Name: GLXT
  • Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
The GLXCoin crowdsale begins with a pre-sale from December 25 to January 14, followed by the main ICO from January 15 to February 14, 2018.
A total of 50 million Class A GLXCs will be sold during the token sale at a price of $1 USD per token.
You can use GLXCoins to pay for various services on the network.
GLX is based on a microtransaction system. The whitepaper mentions the possibility of charging $0.03 to access and read a blog post, for example, or paying $0.05 per day to get real-time access to fast information about a particular security.
GLX fees are set at $1 USD per month for a basic membership. Other GLX products and services have not yet been priced.

Road Map

2017 Q1
  • IP / Brand value
  • Vishal Singh joins GLX's advisory board
  • Michael J.Piatt joins GLX's advisory board
2017 Q2
  • Developed the concept of financial graph.
  • Larry Jonston joins GLX's advisory board
2017 Q3
  • Bases de datos integradas de back-end / front-end GLX
  • David L. Ronn joins GLX's advisory board
2017 Q4
  • Global ad exchange
  • Barry Romich joins GLX's advisory board
2018 Q1
  • GLX.CO
  • Frank Heilman joins GLX's advisory board
  • Russ Feldcamp joins GLX's advisory board
2018 Q2
  • Ben Fairbank joins GLX's advisory board
  • Start of blockchain development
2018 Q3
  • Audited financial of 2015 and 2016 completed
  • Start the market / news data implementation
2018 Q4
  • GLX Bl0ck Explorer starts up
  • GLX Equity Token creado en Polymath
2019 Q1
  • 2017/2018 financial revised CPA completed
  • Launch Security Token Offer (STO)
  • Social Sign in Goes live
2019 Q2
  • GLX wallet goes live
  • Multiple quote of offshore currencies
  • The market / news data terminal goes live
  • Beta goes live
  • Campaign for Viral Invitation
  • Audited financial 2017/2018
  • Board of Directors Formers
  • Form 1-A Sec Filling
2019 Q3
  • Public offer of Reg A +
  • Partnership program for business innovation
  • Services for members / clients
  • Partnership development initiatives
  • Development of GLX core / ID
  • Start the development of XR
2019 Q4
  • Start trading on a stock exchange listed in the United States.
  • Motor GLX MXRKET (SDK)
  • GLX Developer Campaign
2020 Q1
2020 Q2
  • Launch WXRX
2020 Q3
  • GLX Global Economic Council
2020 Q4
  • GLX 4.0 XR Board

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Author TheJohnMatch

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