Sunday, June 30, 2019

FILMGRID - Decentralization Of The Movie Industry


As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.
The film industry of the 21st century can profit by Blockchain innovation, a development that can carefully bolster a dynamic and associated worldwide system of substance makers, wholesalers and crowds. 
Blockchain is as yet a developing innovation and saw as a danger to the controlling intensity of go-betweens, for example, operators and bigger studios. Subsequently numerous bigger or increasingly settled members in the film business stay careful about its way to deal with reception. 
Be that as it may, tech new businesses have framed to turn into the early evangelists for film industry situated Blockchain applications and as history has appeared different areas, there are no limits to problematic development and the film business will be the same. 


Filmgrid is an ideological undertaking, trying to make a business excess stage that gives a reasonable inventive option in contrast to motion picture business; expelling delegates from the imaginative and creating forms. 
What's more, Filmgrid is a distributed stage for business, spilling and financing of free movies and arrangement over the Internet. Of decentralized nature, expels all cinemas and film dispersion organizations as middle people, permitting a reasonable circulation of benefits among the film's makers, which in the meantime takes into account a decrease to the expense of the idea to the general population. 
Blockchain Architecture 
During the period the DApp lives in the Etherum Network, we will create Filmgrid Blockchain, an Ethereum fork, on which the agreement calculation Proof Of Work (PoW) will be changed to the accord calculation Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET), transforming it into a Permissioned Blockchain. Along these lines, this current Blockchain's requirement for excavators is killed as the figuring force is given by the Filmgrid friends organize. 
Each gadget that runs Filmgrid's DApp is a potential wellspring of figuring power. The PoET calculation offers the chance to do handling in the backend of the gadget, arbitrarily picked, with a low power utilization while viewing a motion picture. Clients will have the alternative to empower or impair this capacity voluntarily. 
Filmgrid will give server capacity to specific elements of the DApp and the off-chain interconnections, for example, the video documents recovering or interpersonal organization action. 
A KYC module will likewise be executed, so as to separate the kind of client in the stage, the more resources inside the stage, the more data is requiered. 

The application will offer every one of the administrations required for this to be indispensable reality: 
•The Billboard 
A motion picture commercial center where inventive clients may offer their motion pictures, and watcher clients can get them and stream them. 
•The Pitchboard 
A platform where film activities can look for financing either by getting it from the Filmgrid's creation finance, pre-deals or aggregate generation. 
•The Critique Bay 
An interpersonal organization condition that advances the network between every one of the clients and the spread of thoughts. 
Filmgrid will utilize the intensity of blockchain innovation to oversee exchanges and facilitating the savvy gets that will verify assets, casting a ballot, and other significant angles that make Filmgrid interesting. 
•Reasonable Trade Commerce 
The general purpose is to arrive. It is notable that the same number of enormous enterprises, the motion picture business is a long way from being reasonable, FILMGRID always catch wind of motion pictures making a huge number of dollars in the movies, however what we don't find out about is that cash stay in the mediator's pockets. Also the bold item arrangement motion pictures are put through. 
In a conventional Hollywood-like plan of action, pay is produce with the closeout of theater tickets, advanced and physical video duplicates, permitting to SVOD administrations and others. The run of the mill situation revenue driven dissemination will incorporate a Recoupment Waterfall, a bookkeeping method intended to give control to the mediators, henceforth the control of benefit. 

For a motion picture with a theoretical pay of 101,473,573.86 USD, it would look much like this:
It takes a couple of years for the recoupment to be finished, the makers pool is the last to perceive any pay. The makers pool is made by makers, yet additionally by some creatives that arrange a level of income, for example, executives, essayists, on-screen characters and others. 
Each arrangement is remarkable for every film, it depends in the names behind the venture, yet it generally regards the displayed figures. 
FILMGRID needed to disturb the business? FILMGRID implied every little thing about it. FILMGRID think of an inventive plan of action, removing go-betweens, going for the moviemaker to be the person who make the most benefit. 
In the proposed plan of action, FILMGRID have three pay sources inside a similar stage: Premiere deal, Screening deal and Home Cinema deal. 
In either case, Creative Users individuals from the Creative Team start to get pay from the principal deal. The decentralized application and the shrewd contracts will deal with all the mechanized activities and salary appropriation, regarding the design from the group enrollment. 
FILMGRID have now the chance to offer the clients, global motion pictures at an open cost for nearly anybody; and in the meantime, a reasonable option in contrast to motion picture producers. 
The recommended costs for every deal alternative are: 
Debut = 2.85 USD 
With these costs and utilizing the sorts of salary of the run of the mill situation, we can run our theoretical case, for a similar motion picture, utilizing Filmgrid. 
Despite the fact that the all out pay was drastically not exactly in a commonplace situation, the income gotten by the Creative Market was greater.
hypothetical case, for the same movie, using Filmgrid.
Even though the total income was dramatically less than in a typical scenario, the revenue received by the Creative Market was bigger.

About The Filmpass Token

Filmgrid’s utility token, Filmpass (FILM), is designed to be the means of payment for buying and renting movies and series episodes within the platform.
Token Details
Standard: ERC20
Name: Filmpass
Ticker: FILM
Decimals: 18
Max. Cap: 1,000,000,000 Tokens
Contract: 0xdadfd3814684a3a08a001500a98eef74f4ac1712
Token Distribution
The FILM token distribution consists of four sales, each one unique and oriented for different markets. Out of the 1 billion FILM tokens, 800 million will be distributed in total; 200 million will be kept to be distributed among Filmgrid and the founding team.
Date: May 1st 2019 - June 30th 2019
Price: 1 ETH = 11,000 FILM
Tokens for Sale: 20,000,000 FILM
Date: July 1st 2019 - July 31st 2019
Price: 1 ETH = 7,000 FILM
Tokens for Sale: 60,000,000 FILM
Date: August 1st 2019 - August 31st 2019
Price: 1 ETH = 3,000 FILM
Tokens for Sale: 320,000,000 FILM
Date: Sept. 1st 2019 - August 31st 2020
Price: Dynamic
Tokens for Sale: 400,000,000 FILM
The tokens will be minted according to the dates and amounts of the distribution sales.


Applying our beliefs about movie industry in a fair business model.
Adapting and enhancing Filmgrid to Blockchain Technology.
Blockchain Technology
This .space web site has been created to record and inform the project.
Structure and developing of our White Paper version 1.0.
Project registration on ICO listing specialized websites.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Rethinking the plan of action.
Public Relations, SEO, Social Networks and online publicity.
Filmpass Token Distribution in an Pre Coin Offering (ICO).
Developing the DApp and Smart Contracts and public release of the code.
Filmpass Token Distribution final and long round begins.
Minimum Viable Product with the Billboard and early Pitchboard.
Start the development of the Filmgrid Blockchain and configuration.
Worldwide promotion of Filmgrid Decentralized Aplication.
Well, all the work that has to be made to realease a top quality product.
Filmgrid Blockchain Platform Version 1.0 Release.


Andrés is a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) and holds the Linux Foundation X, Blockchain for Business Professional Certification. He has 7+ years of experience in Fintech business development, with a very strong knowledge in Regulatory Compliance.
Osvaldo is a true believer of science, numbers are his passion, and passion is his way. He is a person of deeply rooted ideology and practical experience, makes the project stronger and keeps us on track for Freedom of the Art.
She is an independent filmmaker with a broad and international experience in all types of movies, from short, to long films; she holds a Masters Degree in Cinematography Direction from Escuela TAI in Madrid, Spain.
With a Degree in Visual Arts and an Illustration Diploma from The New School of Design of Parsons, Stefie ads to the project a lot of knowledge when it come to talent management, professional equipment and production processes.
Alex holds a Bachelor of Law in Marketing Management from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon and is a certified Adwords expert. He saw the project as an opportunity to fully advocate decentralization as an ideology.
Founder of The Times of Crypto, Joboshi, and a top three blockchain ICO Consultant/Advisor in ICOBench and have extensive knowledge of ICO marketing, PR, and subject matter knowledge of blockchain and ICO. He has experience in participating in more than 40 ICOs.
Gina is a Certified Compliance Officer by the CNBV in México, expert in matter of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism. With a keen eye to analize the available body of facts, nothing gets by her. She has 7+ years of experience in money transfer.
Oscar is data/storage specialist with a lot of experience in data centers, server infrastructure and cloud services. He has ventured into crypto mining, finding in blockchain a new passion along the way.

For more information, please visit:

Author TheJohnMatch

ICOCoinlab-The Successful Digital ICO Creation Solution


As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


ICOCoinlab is a computerized ICO Creation arrangement, which is a blockchain stage that takes into account the quickest and most reasonable approach to actualize ICO creation, tokenization, venture and group subsidizing forms. 
ICOCoinLab offers every one of the administrations you require to dispatch effective ICO including Design, Development, Marketing, Legal, Financial and Technical Support. ICO Factory makes start to finish ICO Launches and gives Turnkey ICO Solutions. 

ICOCoinLab gives start to finish tweaked and Turnkey arrangements that enables your tasks to take off! 
ICOCoinLab gets ready propelled new businesses for the fruitful ICO discharge, draw in financing from endeavor speculators, put tokens on the world's crypto-trade trades, make showcasing methodologies and viable promoting efforts. ICOCoinLab are one of the main organizations ready to offer a full range of direction from strategic specialized execution to abnormal state hypothetical displaying, ICOCoinLab gives innovation, token game hypothesis, keen contracts, security reviews, and ICO warning to the most inventive new companies around the world. 


ICOCoinLab will probably help blockchain entrepreneurs to make their ICO objectives, gatherings, their all out whitepaper, utilize the advantages of ICO through our ICO improvement stage for their crowdfunding needs. 
ICOCoinLab will be in an exceptional market position to convey bundled ICO bundles, Turnkey courses of action or conceivably blockchain migration organization. ICOCoinLab ICO Building Stage decreases ICO business costs, while keeping up selective business prerequisites. Bringing a gathering of masters, engineers, sponsors in ICO originator moves. 
Solidifying parts and ICO organization is as simple as heading off to the store and adding things to the shopping crate to finish the buy. Customary ICOs were coordinated by ICO the executives gatherings, which were produced using the ground up, contracted, pros aggregated, show gatherings purchased to send ICOs, which put aside a long exertion to do and excessively high.


•ICO Specialization 
Promoting ICOs is massively unique in relation to showcasing conventional new companies. You need a promoting organization that is centered around ICOs. ICOCoinLab are ICOs master. 
•ICO Full-Service 
ICOCoinLab gives complete ICO Services including; Design, tokenization, ICO Team, promoting, PR, Listing, Fundraising, Distribution and through to trade posting. 
•ICO Knowledge 
The group is proficient about the most recent improvements in the whole blockchain Technology and ICO biological system 
•ICO Discernment 
ICOCoinLab will set aside the effort to completely comprehend your venture, your group, your goals and what you have accomplished up until this point. In addition, ICOCoinLab will be centered around your long haul achievement. 


ICOCoinLab are one of the main organizations ready to offer a full range of direction from strategic specialized execution to abnormal state hypothetical demonstrating, ICOCoinLab gives innovation, token game hypothesis, brilliant contracts, security reviews, and ICO warning to the most imaginative new businesses around the world. 
ICOCoinLab gives a Full Range of Services for Successfully Launching an ICOComplete ICO building arrangement from ICOCoinLab is an opportunity of a lifetime for every one of the financial specialists to get greatest from every one of their interest in the digital money showcase. The present digital money market is focused and it going to be more inside next couple of months. Rivalry is unsurpassed an immense advantage for a normal purchaser or merchant as it encourages him/her to get higher advantages from his buys or speculations. 
ICOCoinLab gives start to finish business, monetary, warning, lawful and specialized administrations for all ICO stages: 
Showcasing Campaign 
Organization online journals, posting on ICO trackers, web based life showcasing, crypto network the board, abundance program, directed advertising and quest for counselors 

Blockchain Token Technology
Right now we support ERC20 Ethereum keen contracts, NEO and Cardano savvy contracts 
Lawful Counseling 
Creating full arrangement of legitimate documentation (T&Cs, SAFT, private position understandings and so forth), Legal archives, token deal lawful counseling, lawful substance foundation, appropriate locale decision, venture reviews, escrow supplier decision 

Pool Of Team and Advisors 
In the event that you don't have a group or counsels, we can bring our group of ICO individuals or potentially Advisors to direct your ICO dispatch

Token Details

Name: ICO Coin Lab Token (ICO)
Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 100 ICO
Currencies Accepted: ETH, BTC
Minimum Purchase: 10 ETH/ 1000 ICO
Starts: July 1 (00:00 GMT)
Ends: September 30 (23:59 GMT)
Soft Cap: 2,500,000 USD
Hard Cap: 45,000,000 USD
Total Token Volume: 300,000,000 ICO
Token Distribution

45%: Token Holders
8%: Advisors & Partners
10%: Team
30%: Company & Reserve
4%: Bounty Program
4%: Strategic Mergers
Early Bird Bonus
The right way to help investors is by integrating all reward programs into the platform and display how much and where they can save their money.
When ICOCoinLab saves this money for investors, they can reinvest the saved money:

40%: Pre Sale - Private
30,000,000 ICO
25%: Pre Sale
50,000,000 ICO
20%: Crowdsale
60,000,000 ICO
100,000,000 ICO


2015 - 2018
Start of the ICOCoinLab ICO concept
2019 Q2
Start of the ICO token first pre-sale
2019 Q4
ICO Factory Development ICO Mobile App full version release
ICO Factory Launch
ICO Coin Factory Converting platform is launched


Ahmet Asar
Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Spyralatos
Global Marketing Manager
Lin Wan
Tech Lead, Full-stack Blockchain Develope
Mykola Vdovychenko
Legal Advisor

For more information, please visit:

Author TheJohnMatch

Saturday, June 29, 2019

GEXAN - More Than Just a Lotto


As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Gexan offers a decentralized self-governing lottery stage which will enter the general lottery industry limit and will make a reasonable lottery biological system with high members' benefit rates, and limit misfortunes when members get their triumphant prizes. 
What's more, GEXAN points tо brіng Blосkсhаіn innovation tо оvеrсоmе this сhаllеngеѕ. By utіlіѕіng thе ѕmаrt contracts іt is difficult to аltеr thе ticket іnfоrmаtіоn thеrеbу, bringing соmрlеtе straightforwardness tо thе industry. Thе GEXAN group guarantee thіѕ to bе thе саѕе, by permitting аll рlауеrѕ аnd роtеntіаl uѕеrѕ tо vіеw the bасkеnd соdе, tо рrоvе past dоubt that thе ѕуѕtеm is fаіr. All fundѕ соllесtеd оr disseminated оr drаwіng wіnnіng numbеrѕ іn an irregular design, аnd рауіng lottery tісkеtѕ ѕаlеѕ соmmіѕѕіоn to tоkеn hоldеrѕ wіll bе led bу savvy соntасtѕ. 


The mission is to make a self-governing decentralized lottery stage. Gexan needs to make reasonable lotteries with abnormal state of members' increases, just as to limit misfortunes accepting the prizes. 
The following is the diagrammatic representation of the difficulties of lottery and the arrangements offered by Gexan: 


Thе lottery code wіll bе composed – ѕоmе kind оf Powerball game. Thе member muѕt "surmise" thе fіvе fundamental balls (decisions аrе frоm 1 tо 36), аѕ wеll аѕ оnе ball іѕ extra one. Juѕt іt іѕ called thе ball "Powerball". Altogether, thіѕ betting game hаѕ nіnе prize classifications. Thе least prize wіll bе acquired іf уоu surmise thе ball "Powerball" (values frоm 1 tо 10). Yоu јuѕt hаvе tо pick 5 numbers іn thе bought ticket. Thе draw wіll tаkе place еvеrу day, аnd thе fall оf balls wіth numbers іn thе framework іѕ determined ассоrdіng thе irregular number generator. 
Thе nеxt type оf lottery wіll hаvе ensured victors. Thе draw wіll bе held іn thе fоllоwіng way: аll members send thе wanted number оf tickets tо thе normal pool, tо thе brilliant contract thаt records approaching exchanges. Thеn thеrе іѕ а probabilities computation оf еасh member ассоrdіng tо thе number оf tickets ѕеnt tо them. Thе mоrе tickets thе player hаѕ sent, thе higher possibilities he/she hаѕ tо tаkе prizes. Aftеr that, thеrе іѕ а "blending" оf аll tickets аnd haphazardly thе victors іѕ decided. Thе fіrѕt thrее places tаkе mоѕt оf thе pool. 
A fеw weeks аftеr thе finish оf thе Presale organize, thе promotion lottery wіth huge prizes іn thе structure оf BTC wіll bе held. Tо take an interest іn ѕuсh lotteries, а rеlаtіvеlу costly passageway limit іѕ gave, however thе fundamental prize wіll bе drawn аmоng thе lottery members 100%. Subtleties оf еасh оf thеm wіll bе reported іn advance thrоugh social channels. Gexan аrе nоt gоіng tо stop thеrе іn thе future аnd Gexan wіll present nеw types оf lotteries tо draw in mоrе players. 
Speculators аt thе IEO organize hаvе а extraordinary open door tо purchase а masternode оr а сеrtаіn sum оf GEX fоr POS-stacking. Buying а сеrtаіn sum оf GEX аt thе IEO arrange, уоu wіll get nеw GEX еvеrу day аftеr pull back tо уоur wallet. Rеаllу іt іѕ а novel open door fоr thе blockchain lottery. Furthermore, thе sooner уоu tаkе part іn thе buy оf coins, thе sooner уоu wіll bеgіn tо produce nеw GEX іn уоur wallet. Thе establishment manage іѕ distributed оn thе site tо introduce Masternode. 

About The Gexan Platform 

The communication of players, brilliant contract, site, blockchain hubs is introduced schematically in the Figure. The key factor in this design is greatest security with high exchange preparing speed. 


About The Gexan Token

Gexan intends to use hybrid blockchain algorithms (POS+POW) for its development. With the help of which the users of the system will be able to set up Masternodes for daily collection of tickets. The team of founders developed integrated smart contracts of the type (5/36), thanks to which users will be able to apply their coins immediately in practice, immediately after their entry into the exchanges. Just for public sale will be released only 1 million coins GEX with an initial value 0.0001175 BTC. In total, the developers plan to increase the total number of coins comprehending the amount of 21 million GEX, over the next 20 years.

Token Details

Name & ticker - GEX
Coin type - HYBRID POW/POS
Block Time - 60 sec
Coin maturity - 6 confirmations
Max coin supply - 21'000'000
Masternode collateral - 5000
Stake age - 1 hour
POW Algorithm - PHI2
Rewards - 40%/MN | 40%/POW | 20%/POS
Block rewards - 0.5 - 8 GEX
Premine - 1 480 000 GEX
Total for sale - 1 000 000 GEX
Hard cap - 117.5 BTC
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:
Pre-mine Allocation
67% Allocated to IEO
18% Allocated to Jackpot
7% Allocated to Bounty
6% Allocated to Airdrop
4% Allocated to Investoes & Team
Fund Allocation
28% Allocated to exchanges
25% Allocated to marketing
19% Allocated to Legal Entity
10% Allocated to Development
9% Allocated to Website Development
9% Allocated to Promotion



For more information, please visit:


Author TheJohnMatch

Friday, June 28, 2019

VIMee-World's First Islamic Based Social Network


As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.
For over 10 years, person to person communication has assumed control over web clients' lives, with interpersonal interaction applications being the favored section point for substance and commitment. As per thinks about, youngsters go through in any event nine hours out of every day on interpersonal organizations, with most of this being done through cell phones. Similar information says that clients invest significantly more energy in internet based life than real mingling. 
There is a drawback, obviously, which is protection. As the expression goes, on the off chance that the item is free, at that point chances are that you are the item. Facebook, Twitter, and other informal communities give you untethered access to their stages, all in return for something important – experiences into your practices, inclinations, propensities, associations, area, and substance. 
The majority of the disadvantages of person to person communication come from the way that genuine control is incorporated on the stage proprietor, regardless of whether the substance and movement originate from its clients. 


VIMee is the world's first Shariah based informal community went for saving Islamic morals, opportunity of articulation, and re-privatizing client information. VIMee is an extraordinary decentralized social stage that is based on the standard of saving the right to speak freely and Islamic morals. 
Moreover, VIMee's central goal is to help smooth the movement procedure by re-privatizing client information and enabling clients to adapt their very own substance, securing the privilege to opportunity of articulation, guaranteeing a worthwhile reward framework for joint effort dependent on the quality and prevalence of the substance. Everything is bundled as per Islamic Sharia law. 
The fundamental target of the VIMee system is to give a protected, agreeable and secure condition for all clients to convey, except for such negative factors as prejudice, sex entertainment, sexual orientation imbalance and other negative parts of conventional unified informal communities. To guarantee that every one of these standards were taken as the reason for the production of the VIMee stage - sharia, which spelled out the most flawless and amicable relations between all individuals. 


The mission is to help smoothen the movement procedure by re-privatizing client information and giving clients the chance to adapt their own substance, securing the privilege for opportunity of articulation, giving a worthwhile collaboration compensate framework dependent on substance quality and prevalence. All bundled inside the Islamic laws of syariah. 

The Impending Challenges 

Finding supportable answers for declining natural reach 
Natural commitment are winding up less and less appealing to the normal client. BuzzSumo's examination of 880 million posts found, "the normal video post in April 2017 achieved 12.05% of the absolute page crowd, only in front of photographs at 11.63%, joins at 7.81%, and notices at just 4.56%." 
Reception by clients 
One noteworthy test of acknowledging decentralized online long range informal communication is its appropriation by clients. Clients who are now taking part in existing long range interpersonal communication destinations should move their information to decentralized informal organizations to split far from the customary information storehouses offered by the present person to person communication locales. It is justifiable that clients would be impervious to change and may not be enthusiastic about changing applications regardless of whether this gives every one of the highlights they need. 
Content control 
Despite the fact that inferring syariah rules, opportunity of articulation will help hurtful substance discover its direction onto VIMee's system. 

Arrangement Offered 

Social video floods ahead 
Forty-six percent of respondents in our yearly client overview state they're now actualizing social recordings, with another 26 percent intending to execute in 2018. In 2017, social video publicizing spending jumped 130 percent YOY. Video is a center development system for the significant informal communities since it's a drawing in portable medium and simple to adapt. 
Experience movement 
So as to conquer client protest, we should likewise have the option to move their experience via web-based networking media. Relocate benefits previously given by existing person to person communication benefits and including our own upgrades so the clients wont perceive the progress. Great UIs, devices for bringing in and sending out information, and simplicity of setting up the product will likewise be a piece of the answer for this issue. 
Joint staff and network balance 
Having a twofold layer of sifting, for example, this will help track down destructive substance. Network balance empowers individuals to choose whether the substance is proper or not. As indicated by a study by the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, around 63 percent of individuals are stressed over phony news circled by significant internet based life today. Blockchain can give the network a chance to check and score any snippet of data and along these lines, boost individuals to modify their inclination and malignant activities. 


For storing all those valuable VIMX tokens and FIAT rewards.
Follow and keep up to date with all your hobbies and interests.
Instant messaging service. Keep in touch on a personal level.
All the stories that matter most to you every time you visit.
•Group Chat
Come together, share ideas, gather with friends. A must for all social circles.
Edit and upload personal, community or even breaking events.
No social network is complete without a your own personal photo gallery.
Buy, sell, monetize content, ads, sponsors, everything to support your commercial needs.
•Qibla Compass
Never feel lost again. Always know in which direction to pray.
•Salah Schedule
Globally adjusted salah schedules to fit your exact location.
•Quran & Hadith
Read, quote, share and search the holy Quran and Hadith.
•Hijri Calendar
Find accurate yearly, monthly and weekly Islamic dates.


You as a user, own your data. You can choose who you want to share this information with and how. You own your own content.
Open-source crowdfunded development, not financed. There is no monopoly by a single company, and no tracking.
The social network runs on independently run servers, instead of using huge central servers owned by a corporation.
Islamic laws are our foundation. No pornography, no racism, gender equality and fairness.
Users earn money by using the platform. All revenues raised will be split with users.
Give da'wah, share knowledge, help others learn about the true Islam. A network where everyone can learn.

About The VIMee Platform

The uniqueness of the VIMee platform lies not only in some moral principles, but also in the fact that users can now fully support their social networks without fear of losing their personal data. Since no one can use them without the explicit consent of the user. At the same time, within VIMee, you can also easily share streaming content, receiving in return a kind of reward at the expense of the internal token of the project. Also, in the social network VIMee, people will be able to help each other in solving certain situations, give advice or motivate each other to achieve certain goals.

About The VIMee Token

ViMee is developed on the basis of the Waves blockchain and is expressed by a nominal symbol as – VIMX. In total, the developers will be released 2 billion coins from them for sale will be available only 30% percent, 55% will remain in reserve, and the rest of the coins will be distributed between the team of founders, bounty participants and the advertising company. The initial value of the coins themselves is estimated as follows: 1 ETH = 10 000/ 1 WAVES = 167 VIMX.



Adi Hermanto , Founder & CEO
Andress Y.H. , Chief Legal Officer
Cipta Ekadyat , Chief Creative Officer
Desi Suardiastuti , Chief Ops Officer
Hariansyah , Chief Tech Officer
Aam Amalia , Chief Comms Officer
Pranav Arya , Strategic Consultant
Taufik Rizal Arbai , Community Manager
Panji Maulana S , Junior Developer
Nizar Ramdani , IT Support

For more information, please visit:

Author TheJohnMatch
Eth Address:0x2202BcCe2EE3c8B2C34Db7E9Bb38eB7dF3D619Ed