Wednesday, June 12, 2019




As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


SMATHIUM is a blockchain-based dedication stage meaning to comprehend the key difficulties confronting customary unwaveringness programs. A decentralized Application (dApp) where all organizations can make their own reliability reward projects fueled by a solitary token. A solitary joined unwaveringness point framework in little on/disconnected retails far and wide including regular day to day existence. Bistro, eateries, supermarket, and notwithstanding shopping center. A review by CodeBroker demonstrates that at any rate 54% of purchasers are disappointed with their reliability reward programs. 
The explanations behind the disappointments incorporate absence of separation and the way that the lion's share just give restricted advantages. Likewise, actualizing a vigorous steadfastness reward program will in general be ludicrously costly bolting out most of organizations. While officeholders, for example, departmental stores and carriers can bear to give high esteem enrollment projects to their clients, little and medium endeavors can't. Smathium plans to connect this hole by structure a multi-business dependability remunerate stage that is available to a wide range of organizations. 
At the core of this stage is the objective of making long haul an incentive for clients as opposed to filling in as a momentary advancement. As a brought together mode of trade among clients and brands, Smathium token can be utilized for exchanges over all organizations enlisted on our stage and can be exchanged trades. Also, Smathium is making an extra component where brands can associate their current reliability projects to a blockchain organize 

Approaching Challenges with Loyalty Programs 

• Closed structure
Clients can't utilize the prizes they have gotten at different brands 
•Lacking Rewards 
Prizes gave are lacking and don't draw in enthusiasm from clients. 
•Absence of Differentiation 
Reward programs without separation at last make clients leave. 

About The SMATHIUM Platform 

Getting a charge out of Membership Benefits Like That of a Department Store 
Anybody including application organizations and little vendors can give their own novel enrollment projects to clients. Additionally, they can give separated enrollment projects to their unwavering clients. 
Smathium benefits at a shopping center 
Shopping centers can give enrollment advantages proper to purchaser experience as opposed to giving straightforward coupons 
Single Unified Coin 
Clients can get their prizes in a solitary type of cryptographic money rather than various focuses for each brand. Smathium ensures the legitimate advantages for its clients. 
Tradable Benefits 
Brands taking an interest in the Smathium Platform can purchase and sell their advantages. Furthermore, the enrollment program turns into another business channel for huge scale deals for the brands.

Token Details

Token symbol: SMT
Type: ERC20
Total supply: 10 Billion SMT
PreICO price: 1 SMT = 0.003 USD
Price in ICO: 0.0060 USD
Average price: 0.01 USD
ROI: 66.67%
BONUS pre-ICO: 50% discount
ICO as IEO: 10% discount
Tokens for sale: 4,000,000,000
Min. investment: 10 USD
Accepting: ETH, True USD, USD Coin, Paxos Standard, Dai
Distributed in ICO: 40%
Token Distribution


Q1 2019
Prepare white paper and website.
Open Smart Contract to public.
Start SMT sale.
Q2 2019
Launch SMT-Service App.
(MiteNews(News-App) and else). Service initial promotion / Securing users. Proceed development of SMT-Service(App) (2nd).
Q3 2019
Launch SMT-Service App (2nd).
Expand Loyal Factory Partnership.
Release SMT Wallet App(Android).
List on exchange.
Q4 2019
Launch Loyal Factory(version 1.0).
Enter global service (Southeast Asia).
Release SMT Wallet App (IOS)
List on additional exchange and expand partnership.
Q1 2020
Expand Loyal Factory Partnership.
Develop/Launch SMT-Service(App).
Enter global service (North America).
Q2 2020
Launch Loyal Factory (version 2.0). Expansion of Loyal Factory’s 3rd party
and partnership. Develop additional module.


Changgyeom Kim: Planning Manager 
Byungjin Kim: General Manager 
Jaejoon Kim: Project Manager 
Mihee Park: Financial Manager
Joseph Hyun: Team Lead Manager 
Jee Ju: Chief Blockchain officer 
Hyun Jung Choi: R&D Manager 
Byung Jin Choi: Legal manager 
Jongkyung Park:System Security 
Seungjae Shin: General Manager


Eun Suk Lee: Project Advisor 
Doo Yong Jung: Project Advisor 
Jonathan Hong: Technical Advisor 
Hsiao Yun Fang: Project Advisor 
Jin Eub Joo: Project Advisor 
Joo Ho Yoo: Project Advisor 
Ki Won Kwon: Project Advisor 
Philip Cho: Project Advisor 
Hwanho Lee: Project Manager 
Nathan Kisung Hong: Project Advisor

For more information, please visit:

Official website:
Official Telegram open community:
Official Telegram broadcasting channel:
Official Medium:
Official Twitter:

Author TheJohnMatch

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