As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.
BlockSafe Technologies plans on fixing the issue of theft within the industry. Although theft will always occur, services such as the one being proposed by BlockSafe can minimize the amount of damage done.
BlockSafe Technologies Inc., has developed products that secure the blockchain ecosystem (wallets, exchanges and private blockchains) from hackers.
BlockSafe Technologies is the only US-based company that secures the blockchain ecosystem from all angles: wallets, exchanges, and private blockchains. Using its expansive suite of cybersecurity solutions, BlockSafe Technologies introduces stability into an otherwise turbulent market by protecting the blockchain ecosystem at its most vulnerable points: user authentication and interaction. Similarly, BlockSafe Technologies has developed proprietary methods of defending permissioned blockchains via transaction authentication, policy enforcement, DDoS mitigation, load balancing, and content filtering.
BlockSafe Technologies is a subsidiary company of StrikeForce Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: SFOR), a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions for consumers, corporations, and government agencies. BlockSafe Technologies has been granted licensing rights to implement and distribute the patented, award-winning cybersecurity technology offered by StrikeForce Technologies, Inc.
There are hot and cold wallets in crypto exchangers. The user's secret key is stored in the wallet, as well as the secret key of the exchange. Most keys are stored offline in the safe (cold wallet). Some keys are stored on an internet-connected server (hot wallet), to facilitate transactions. These servers are subject to hacking data, like other hackers.
Exchange Defender includes two products to protect internal crypto exchange systems. CryptoDefender ™ and ProtectID® ™ protect computers and mobile devices from keylogging, screen grabbing, and clickjack attacks. ProtectID® provides access to internal systems using two-factor out-of-band authentication.
The Blockchain Defender acts as a gateway between applications and private block chains. It scans each message, checks whether it is permitted according to company rules and policies, scans the contents of data fields for malware, and verifies the authenticity of transactions through ProtectID®. It can also send blockchain messages to the company system or other blockchain through the appropriate gateway.
How should the value of the BSAFE token increase?
The BlockSafe BSAFE Token provides passive income, BlockSafe takes ten percent of top-line sales revenue and returns to the token holder every quarter.
What is the value of the proposition from BlockSafe Technologies?
BlockSafe is the only cybersecurity company dedicated to protecting crypto wallets, exchanging and permitting blockchains. BlockSafe products are patented; BlockSafe has a first mover advantage. The cyber security market to protect the blockchain ecosystem will grow to more than $ 355 billion in the next three years. BlockSafe is a subsidiary of Strikeforce Technologies, which has been in cybersecurity for more than 18 years.
How has the value for the BSAFE token increased?
BlockSafe BSAFE Token contributes passively, BlockSafe receives ten percent of top-line sales revenue and returns to token holders every quarter.
Keystroke Encryption
Prevents malware from spying on what you type. The keystrokes are secured between the kernel and the wallet application using military grade encryption. Now, the password you enter to logon or decrypt your secret key is safe.
Clipboard Copy Protection
Prevents malware from monitoring the clipboard to spy on, copy and paste the contents of the clipboard. So the destination address to which a crypto transaction is sent to is not modified.
Anti-screen capture
Prevents screen-scraping malware from taking screenshots of information surreptitiously.
Displays hidden frames or frames originating from a potentially malicious domain. This neutralizes one of the favorite tricks of the hackers to download malware onto your computer.
Secure Keyboard
Prevents the OS and malware from logging your keystrokes. All keystrokes entered in the custom keyboard are encrypted. Now, the password you enter to logon or decrypt your secret key is safe.
Secure Browser
Is a custom, secure locked-down browser that prevents the storage of cookies and other malware artifacts. The secure browser is recreated for every session. Now, you can safely access your online wallet or exchange.
Password/Data Vault
Enables the AES-256 encrypted storage of passwords, keys and data. Access to the vault can be secured via fingerprint. The Secure Browser can be launched from within the vault.
Strong Password Generator
This creates strong passwords based on user-defined preferences, and then stores them in the Password Vault for future usage.
Token Details
Heart: BSAFE
Supply Tokens: 120,000,000
STO Distribution: 64%
Distribution Date: TBD
About Token Sale
STO Start Date: Q4 2018
End Date STO: TBD
Raised: Looking for $ 27,000,000
STO price per Token: $ 0.25-0.50 USD
Currency Received: BTC, ETH, USD
Token Allocation
1%: Seed Round (1.2 Million Tokens)
37%: Pre-STO (44.4 Million Tokens)
27%: STO (32.4 Million Tokens)
20%: Team / Advisor (24 Million Tokens)
15%: Reservation (18 Million Tokens)

Use of Funds
37.00%: Expansion R & D
17%: company
15.00%: Operation
15%: Marketing
8.00%: Law & Insurance
2.00%: Other

January 2018: Seed Round.
Aug-Sep 2018: Launched CryptoDefender ver. 1.0.
September 2018: Pre-STO (initial offering).
25 March: STO.
Q1 2019
Exchange Defender ver.1.0;
Product Development of Blockchain Defender Begins.
Q2 2019
Marketing efforts for Blockchain Defenders begins.
Q3 2019
BlockchainDeefnder ver.1.0

George Waller: CEO of BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Mark Kay: President of BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Ram Pemmaraju: CTO of BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Scott Whitman: COO of BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Dave Mamane: CMO of BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Steve Ferman: VP Business Dev of BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.

Steve Cooper: Board of Advisors - BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Sondra Schneider: Board of Advisors - BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Howard Medow: Board of Advisors - BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
Scott Schober: Board of Advisors - BlockSafe Technologies, Inc.
For more information, please visit:
Website: https://blocksafetech.io/
Whitepaper: https://blocksafetech.io/BlockSafeWhitepaper.pdf
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5152435.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlockSafeTech/
Twitter: https: / /twitter.com/blocksafetech
Author TheJohnMatch
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