Saturday, March 20, 2021

SAVIX - The DeFi Answer To Traditional Savings Accounts



The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain.

Notwithstanding the uprising of Covid-19 with exacting capital controls set up by most nations to control the progression of cash and charge high duties, cryptographic money acquired utilization in dodging capital controls and assessments, prompting an expansion popular. Cryptocurrency has had the option to introduce a simple to utilize computerized option in contrast to fiat monetary forms. Offering frictionless exchanges and expansion control, speculators have been judicious enough to add these monetary forms in their broadened portfolios as a resource, as the size of the market doesn't speak to a foundational hazard. Digital money utilizes the utilization of cryptography that guarantees high-security measures and checks exchanges individual to every client. Thus, falsifying and unknown exchanges are difficult to accomplish.

A cryptocurrency savings account works like it sounds like it would. With this type of account, you can deposit your cryptocurrency (or another asset in some cases) and earn a standard rate of return over time and depending on the type of crypto savings account you have, you may even be able to choose the type of cryptocurrency your interest is paid in.

The first thing to know about cryptocurrency savings accounts, which you probably know already, is that cryptocurrency in general can be incredibly volatile. Since you’re investing with cryptocurrency and your returns will also be in cryptocurrency in most cases, there’s a chance your initial investment and returns will be wiped out if the value of your asset drops.

Another major downside with cryptocurrency savings accounts is the fact that you cannot just take your money out when you want. Where you can withdraw money fee-free from a traditional savings account up to six times per month, cryptocurrency savings accounts have their own rules and may not make it easy to access your money at the drop of a hat.

Savix a virtual currency is now available for the first time, which makes it possible to profit from staking rewards while keeping the token unlocked and liquid, freely available for use in any other DeFi product at the same time.

Savix aims at making decentralized finance products available to non-tech-savvy users. The Savix token enables gas-free automatic staking rewards.

With Savix a virtual currency is now available for the first time, which gives the opportunity to profit from staking rewards while keeping token unlocked and liquid, freely available for use in any DeFi product at the same time.

Savix's main objective is to let users profit as much as possible from the new investment opportunities created by decentralized finance with as less barriers as possible. Therefore users combine multiple income streams while keeping full flexibility of token usage. The staking mechanism built into the Savix protocol works without any need for user actions. Users don’t have to lock their tokens and don’t have to claim their rewards since the staking process works completely automated.

The Advantages

Savix is the best collateral for decentralized finance because it is:


Since Protocol Embedded Staking (PES) allows complete availability of token usage in other DeFi products, rewards can be “doubled” using Savix. This way staking rewards are an extra Layer of passive income. The upcoming liquidity incentive program “Trinary” will offer Savix holders another distinctive additional income stream.


Savix staking is embedded within standard ERC20 transfer functions and is fully automated and 100% passive with no need for user decisions or interactions to receive rewards therefore.


Savix is compatible with any Ethereum based DeFi project. Savix coins can be used like all standard ERC20 tokens for pooling, lending, yield farming, mining and so on, all this while continuously yielding additional staking tokens to holders.


Savix protocol embedded staking evenly adjust all balances according to the embedded supply development curve. No preference whatsoever is given to any specific holder. All wallets are treated in the same way, independent of balances, transaction volume or other parameters.


Savix sources are open. All program codes and contracts are made available through Github and can be inspected and tested by anybody. Due to single contract deployment any manipulation of the contract logic or maximum supply is impossible, no minting of additional coins. Staking rewards are fully transparent and predictable.


With Savix there aren’t any reward releasing events at the end of locking periods which could generate cyclical dumps. Except for market reasons selling Savix is never easier or more profitable at any specific point in time, creating a less volatility.


With Savix you stay independent because the tokens always stay liquid while earning rewards (no locking) and can be freely moved or invested into DeFi products

These features are made possible by the unique Protocol Embedded Staking (PES), which implies the possibility of investing in highly profitable DeFi products with a predictable backing by conservative staking at the same time.

About The Token Technology

Since using DeFi applications (like participating in Uniswap liquidity pools) is a main usage scenario for the Savix token, an implementation as ERC-20 token is required. Non-fungible tokens may play an important role within future concepts and the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standards may come into use for future developments as well.

However, the Savix token itself will remain untouched by all future developments. These will be designed as separate contracts interacting with the Savix original contract.

The immutability of the Savix contract implementation is guaranteed and an important part of Savix`s trust building concept:

Absolute transparency and liability of contract code due to single contract deployment (no unforeseen changes whatsoever can be made to the staking parameters).

Absolute transparency and liability of staking rewards due to non-dilutive staking rewards defined by an immutable supply map (future interest rates can be exactly predicted)

Absolute accuracy and transparency of total circulation supply. The circulating token supply is always identical to the total supply of tokens, there are no tokens held back in any way. The only exception are unsold tokens during the presale (6 month locking time)

Savix “Trinary” will be the first element of this Dapp demonstrating the power of ERC20 embedded staking:

Users receive ETH for providing liquidity on automated market making platforms (AMMs) like Uniswap. The more liquidity you provide, and for longer, the greater share of the ETH pool you receive.

Token Details

The introductory price of the SVX token at the market will be 50 SVX / ETH. A private sale will not be executed. Public presale will be spilt into three phases, each phase – and possible sub-phase – having different discounts and processors. The public sale will start at Uniswap first and then be extended to traditional exchanges for increasing the reach of the token.

Ticker: SVX

Platform: Ethereum.

Token type: ERC-20

Available: 70,000 SVX (70%)

Total supply: 100,000 SVX.

IEO price: 1 SVX = 0.0166 ETH.

Accepted currencies: ETH

Bonuses: 20% discount.

Unsold tokens will be transferred to the next stages of pre-sale preparation.

Presale exchange rate: 1 ETH = 60 SVX.

Adjustment February 4, 2021: Additional bonus of 10% (10SVX / ETH) taken from the ecosystem fund.

Token contract address: 0x8a6e8e9f7d61e97bde7e66336dbeea4fcbb388ae

Presale will end on February 8, 2021 or when the maximum amount of ETH is increased.

Minimum contribution: 0.1 ETH

Maximum contribution: 15 ETH.

Token Distribution and Budget Distribution

Budget Allocation

36% Uniswap Liquidity

7% Ecosystem Fund

30% Further Development

17% Marketing

10% Reserve

Uniswap Liquidity Pool

Shortly after the presale, we will host Savix on Uniswap for public trading.

Starting price: 1 ETH = 50 SVX.

Estimated liquidity (presale target achieved): ~ $ 800,000–1,000,000 (depends on Ethereum volatility)

Estimated market capitalization: ~ $ 1,800,000 - $ 1,900,000.

The Uniswap pool will be locked for 6 months - long enough to gain the trust of the community. Locking the pool longer than necessary poses a certain liquidity risk should the Savix contract need to be renewed or rescheduled in the future.

The Trinary Details

Uniswap Rewards

There is a 0.3% fee for swapping tokens on Uniswap. This fee is split by liquidity providers proportional to their contribution to liquidity reserves. It is functioning as a payout to all liquidity providers proportional to their share of the pool.

Staking rewards

In addition, you will earn Savix staking rewards from the embedded staking protocol while your tokens get used as liquidity.

Trinary rewards

Whenever liquidity is deposited into a uniswap pool, special tokens known as liquidity tokens are minted to the provider’s address, in proportion to how much liquidity they contributed to the pool. These tokens are a representation of a liquidity provider’s contribution to a pool. With Savix “Trinary” it is possible to deposit Savix liquidity tokens for up to 6 month to receive yet another reward layer: ETH from our Ecosystem Fund. We expect a return of 7% to 15% of the initial investment directly paid in ETH over the first 6 month.

Road Map

For December 2020 the public token sale and start of the UNiswap liquidity pool is planned.

Directly afterwards the development of the Savix trinary Dapp will start along with creating partnerships to other DeFi providers.

Approximately in March 2021 a first Alpha version of Trinary should become available.

For more information, please visit:




White Paper: -content / uploads / 2020/11 / SAVIX_Whitepaper.pdf



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